Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Newest Kraft!

It is with great joy that I announce the news of an adoption decree for Miss C!  The steps past my July visit have been nothing short of miraculous.  I have prayed and asked God for a miracle of course, and these steps have been just that!  We have sailed through 3 big steps VERY quickly, much quicker than has been seen lately!  Thank you all so much for your prayers!

There are many more steps to go that involve applying for her passport and the U.S. side of things with immigration and her VISA.  When I got to this step with Mr. M., I felt like I was truly on the downward slide.  We then got STUCK for a very, very long time in what is called MOI.  Please, please continue to pray!  My mind keeps fast-forwarding.  I initially was told to not expect less than a year from my July trip.  I have been secretly (and not so secretly) hoping maybe the end of April or early May....then I would take my leave and not return to school this year.  At this point it is very possible it could be earlier than that!

Thank you Jesus for your miracles and moving mountains to bring my sweet girl home!

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