Friday, February 19, 2016

Who God Used....

So there is this boy.  The boy who I have not ever shared too much about in the internet world.  I still won't.  But he exists.  He is 6.  He is in Haiti.  He is with family.

Before he got his family back (two years ago yesterday!) he was at an orphanage.  I saw a picture.  He captured my heart.  I inquired about him.  Of course all laws and such have changed....multiple times since I first learned of him.  He will forever be my heart child.

In August of 2012 things were not in order for him to be adopted.  I was asked to consider a new referral.  I would not say no to him, but I did take a new referral!  Without this boy, without hearing form the Lord that I was to adopt 2, I would not have my Mack.  I went forward with the referral of Mack.  Months later I was told I could move forward with my second adoption for the other boy.  Laws kept changing, things could get tricky, but I moved forward in faith, knowing God was calling me to 2.

Two years ago today, that boy was picked up by his mom and his dad!  The world around me who knew of him thought I would be devastated.  I was not devastated!  I had longed and yearned and prayed for a family for him.  I thought that family would be me but God used me to reunite him with his birth family and I am honored to have been a small piece of that puzzle.

I was told I would be given time to get over the loss and such but I just deeply felt that there was not time.  Everything takes SO long anyways.  A month before this boy left the orphanage, a little girl arrived.  A year and a half later I was presented with her referral!  This boy is a part of the story in me becoming mama to both of my precious children!  I may never know what has become of him, or where he is, or what life is like for him but I think of him often and will pray for him forever!

Two years ago he went home with his family.  Two years later on the very same date I get news of a passport for Clara!  I enjoy seeing God in those little details!  They are important and special to me!  Hope to be letting you know within the next two months that Mack and I are Haiti bound to get our precious Clara!


WE HAVE A PASSPORT!!!!  That is all!  Thank you Jesus!  We are nearing the end of this chapter, gearing up for the next chapter....mothering a daughter, sister having a brother, brother having a sister...only child becoming NOT that anymore.  Pray for the day between now and when this all begins!  Clara's countdown to leaving Haiti and Mack and my countdown to life as it is with the two of us to 3 of us!